Thursday, October 29, 2009

PBRTs, the new rage?

Iconfactory just released Pickin' Time for the iPhone, another in a long line of PBRTs (plant-based reflex testers).

I'm sort of confused as to the apparently super positive reception this app has gotten, especially after all the trouble they've had with selling apps.
I don't want to be mean, but seriously, who writes a review like:

It's sort of like an inverse-bizarro YouTube where all the reviews are super coherent and all the words are spelled correctly. (or perhaps there is some shilling involved? eh?)

Convenient list of rejection reasons from the iStore: App Store Rejection Reasons
Thinking, Boxes, & What Kittens Can Do To Them - Wil Shipley's opinion on thinking outside the box -- "don't". PS I read tons of his blog today, it's great and I recommend it to any programmer.

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