Monday, April 19, 2010

Fucking clown shoes

So my apartment was burglarized on Friday when I wasn't home. My iMac (with all of my pictures from the past 3 or 4 years, not backed up because I'm an idiot) among many other things were taken, mostly electronics. It got me thinking, all of these devices have network cards in them, why the fuck do the manufacturers not track these things when they show up on the net?

Imagine the day where stealing an Internet-enabled device is useless because it phones home as soon as it hops online. Sure, measures could be taken to circumvent phoning home, but it would really be bad news for small time criminals. I know software that does this exists, but why isn't that shit considered part of the base functionality? It's such a stupid omission.

If Apple tracked every unique IP address per computer and gave me access, I could just find out exactly where that machine got online, call the police and say "it's near / at this address". Done. Would probably even be able to recover my pictures with some good HD tools. Unfortunately it's not the future yet, so we're stuck dealing with the police who don't really give a shit and have better things to do. Thus, electronics will continue to be an awesome reason to break into people's homes. Suck.

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